
Sunday, 4 August 2013

Enchanted Polish - Congratulations & I Am The Walrus comparison


Someone asked for a comparison between Congratulations and I Am The Walrus and due to the amount of pictures, I figured I'll make a blog post of it =)

When I look at the polishes, They're more of the orangey-brown versus the purpley coloured shown (which I am sooo sad pants about) least it photographs very well.
Congratulations is much more holo than I Am The Walrus so it does wash out the colour but the multi-chrome colour changes are pretty much the same..

Ok, onto the pictures... enjoy :) - details in captions :)
Swatches are I Am The Walrus on the left and Congratulations on the right.

This is how it looks on my nail usually

blurry but shows the similarities the best!
See the holographic difference? :)

left: Congratulations  right: I Am The Walrus

Which one do you like more??!!

Visit Enchanted on Facebook here
or check out her webpage here

I luckily purchased my Enchanted polishes on Nail Polish Canada!! <3


  1. This is exactly what I wanted. I'm so glad this existed. Thank you.
