
Sunday, 21 July 2013

Revlon Nail Art Contest

Last month Revlon generously sent us some products to review, currently Revlon has a nail art contest going on. This contest runs until July 31st, there are 2 grand prizes which consists of 160 polishes from their nail art line. This past week I had to time to play around with some of their nail art polishes. I was inspired by my Marc Jacobs Daisy perfume and decided to do some simple flowers.

For this look I used:
Revlon Moon Candy Orbit #1
Revlon Matte Top Coat
Revlon Neon Neon Light #1
Revlon Expressionist Vincent Van Gold #1
Dotting Tool

I did have to use 2 coats of the matte polish since I did not apply enough near the base of my nails and when it dried I could see the finishing line between the regular finish and matte finish. But I was pleased with the matte effect. It lightened up the purple base coat a little bit but I thought it ended up looking really soft and smooth.

I kept things really simple so I used 2 coats of base colour then for the flowers I used a dotting tool and made 5 white dots for the petals and a gold dot in the middle. This was my first time creating flowers so please excuse some imperfections :) For some white dots I had to go over them again because I didn't have enough product on the dotting tool or the polish dried a little bit and became a bit too sticky to create a nice clean circle.

This look was super easy to do but I'll be the first to admit that I need some more practice with my dotting tool ;)
Have any of you entered Revlon's contest? What look did you submit?

Entries can be uploaded here, contest ends 11:59pm ET July 31, 2013. You are allowed one entry per day from per person/household/email address and it open to Canadian residents over the age of majority. One random draw will be held on July 22, 2013 and a second random draw will be held on August 21, 2013.


***Products were sent for review, opinions are my own, honest and unbiased***