
Friday, 7 June 2013

Superficially Colorful: Birthday Giveaway

My dear friend Jin is hosting an AMAZING giveaway on her blog.
For her birthday!, yes, not mine, not yours. HERS.

before I share with you the links, let me just tell you the FANTASTIC prizes.

I think this drooling rainbow picture is appropriate ;)

There will be FIVE winners, each winner will win an entire collection, according to the order drawn.
1. 24 3D effect holographic polishes by Nabi
2. 12 holographic hologram polishes by China Glaze
3. 8 3D effect holographic polishes by L.A. Girl
4. 6 textured polishes (Gumdrops collection) by Julie G
5. 5 thermal polishes (Mood Swings collection) by hers truly Superficially Colorful

Go to her page and enter the rafflecopter!
It is open internationally, unless prohibited by your location's laws. 


Giveaway China Glaze Julie G Nabi L.A. Girl Superficially Colorful Lacquer

Good luck friends and HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jin <3 

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