
Thursday, 25 April 2013

Quo - Minerals Matter Blush in Whisper Dawn

Hi Everyone,
Today I have Quo's Minerals Matter Blush in Whisper Dawn to show you.

credit source: Shoppers Drug Mart

 I mainly bought it for the packaging.
I was just randomly walking around Shoppers Drug Mart waiting for one of the employees to restock the milk and I decided to take a look at the Quo line.

Quo is a Shoppers Drug Mart exclusive line of cosmetics. They have a wide range of products such as false eyelashes, a Quo by Orly line of nail polish, lipsticks, blushes, eyeshadows, brushes & palettes etc!
& although I can't say I have looked at it much (due to the lack of online availability) they have interesting products! I really only bought this for the packaging LOL, I just think it is SOOO fun to play with versus actually using the product since I am more of a bronzer person :)
A con is if you leave it in your bag and something pushes it open  the flip top inside doesn't close, so it's may potentially be a mess but that can be said for every other product.

Oh another personal con for me is FINGERPRINTS! because of the finish, it shows ALL fingerprints.. lol drive me nuts.. even when I wipe my hands and touch it slightly, it's probably due to all the cuticle products I need to use but anyway I digress.

The blush itself it's quite smooth, and soft with a bit of shimmer, I picked up this colour but it's super close to my skin colour so no swatches (sorry).. I just like that it adds a bit of shimmer to my cheeks without giving me the "asian glow".

It's a little pinker in real life but not too much different :)

I mainly did this post to show off the packaging. It is a bit excessive considering the amount of blush I actually get but popping it out is just SOO fun (Have I emphasized that point enough yet??).
Anyway onto pictures before you all fall asleep!

This picture is an overview of the packaging, it's quite long like a mini compact with a wave design, at first being so long, I thought it came with a puff but nope. Still I really like it! Its a sleek graphite silver metal-ly plastic container.

To open it, you just press down and it pops up, do you like my lovely picture demonstration? hehe

pop pop pop!!

When it springs open the flip top lid inside also just props up, you can't close it and if you shake the blush, kind of just wobbles around ...of course :P

propped up
side view

Just more pictures on how it has to be held closed if you want it for any reason. 
ps. preview of future blogpost!

hold to close

For swaps, I sent a few Quo products out, I hope they like the products as much as I do!!
More to come from Quo.

I definitely think they have been stepping up their game, I don't have anything old to compare other than a few polishes and a set of falsies ...but their new packaging and collections are definitely 'wow-ing' me!
Their new packaging seems more innovative than 'traditional' open & shut packaging and more attractive to the eye.

You can buy this blush only at Shoppers Drug Mart.
If you want to take a look on some of the products before heading out - click below!
I bought it a while ago so I forgot the price at the moment, I will have to go back to check.

 Stay Happy!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Have you been able to find the shade 'Petal Pink' at any Shopper's Drug Mart?
    I live in Vancouver, Canada and so far I can only find their 'Baked' blushes which are too bright for me. I'm wondering if it's been discontinued?
    Thanks kindly

    1. I can take a look for you when I pass by a SDM but since these are old, they are probably reformulated / repackaged but cross your fingers!!
