
Monday, 29 April 2013

Chanel - Provocation & Big Universo - Espectral

I am in love with this polish!! I know, it's looks like a plain plum. But take a look at my pictures, in certain lights, it moves from a darkish plum to having a brown tinge. My friend described it as 'elegant looking even though it's plain' (yay I was super happy to hear that) and the quality surpasses anything I've tried!! I am SO in love.

Help me!! since Chanel is about $27 each!! eekk...

Click to

Recently, Murale had a GWP where if you buy $125 worth of product, you get this huge tote bag full of samples! I don't have pictures of the GWP since my mom claimed it as her own pretty much the moment I showed her. Which is ok, since pink isn't really my colour anyway..
Unfortunately the promotion is over now but here is a promo picture I had saved. Doesn't it look so amazing..?
yes, that is a full sized deborah lippman ;)

Anyway, onto the polish :P

As I was shopping around, I decided I really wanted to pick up my first Chanels. I was hoping to see Taboo or Paradoxal but they didn't have those. So I picked up two I liked best, of course PURPLES: Provocation and Vendetta.

At first, I was a bit hesitant but the Sales person assured me, even if I tried it and didn't like it, I could come back and get a refund, no questions asked. By then I was sold! Like I like to say "Buy now, regret later" luckily, no regrets here.
Although plain, Provocation is a STUNNER. I wore it for about 3 days, until I got my first tiny chip and decided to change my mani. During this time I was at a formal dinner, hanging out, a volunteering event and handing out resumes (lol). Each time, I thought this colour was very versatile and fitting of whatever I was doing. It was pretty enough to be formal, plain enough for job searching and just plain beautiful (Have I said this enough yet..?)

My nails were commented on quite a few times!! Of course this made me so happy. It was mentioned the colour looked elegant, the manicure looks so glossy, my nails look amazing ( which is the best, since I know how ruined they look!), the colour matches very well and the colour made my fingers look longer.
By now, I was screaming with excitement on the inside!

First. Quality is AMAZING. No surprise since it's Chanel ;). Highly pigmented and if I did the first coat a little thicker, I might not have even needed a second coat.  Went on a dream, smooth like butter.
Drying time is quite average but it's probably due to the thickness of the polish :)

Here's just a few pictures of just ONE coat of Provocation.

ONE coat, any thicker and I could have gotten away with it ;)

the thumb is really the only one that gives it away that's it's only one coat 

two coats; I love it ^___^!

There's quite a few pictures coming up lol, if you see they're all slightly different ...Two coats, and it's perfection. Look how great it is. I took over 100 pictures and it took me SOOO long to just narrow it to the ones shown on this post but I was thinking, you all probably be tired seeing similar pictures in every angle and my cuticles aren't the best at the moment (hah I apologize btw!)

For the pictures below:

1 coat Essie Grow Faster Base Coat
2 coats Chanel Provocation
1 coat China Glaze Fast Forward Top Coat

w/ flash against window
against the window - overcast

w/ flash

it's not this purple, but I just love it! (also I know it's upside down, looks better this way hehe..)

After the 2nd day, I was searching around my polish collection and picked up Big Universo's Espectral which is a multi-coloured flakie. Flakies are also one of my favourite finishes, they have a subtle effect which can make a plain colour POP. The only con is, I can't wear it alone since it won't hide my nails. This flakie has an abundance of colours: predominantly orange but there's also yellow, green and blue :) and under different lights, the orangey becomes a bit red :)

for some reason, all the orangey flakies look yellow here XD

My camera couldn't really capture the flakie on the nail but I assure you, it's beautiful, it made the polish a bit more brown tinged and it matched the orangey flakies.
No idea why I took pictures when only one finger was polished hahaha... probably too excited :)

For the pictures below:

1 coat Essie Grow Faster Base Coat
2 coats Chanel Provocation
1 coat China Glaze Fast Forward Top Coat
Pointer finger: 1 coat of Big Universo Espectral

see in this picture, it's more brown tinged

Do you have any Chanel polishes..? love it or hate it..?

Chanel polishes can be purchased at Murale, The Bay and Holt Renfrew for $27 each.

Stay Happy,



  1. The chanel one is pretty, but I think it almost looks exactly like keira from julep! I would never pay that much for a polish :S

    1. I think I have Keira somewhere, I can do a comparison post later on :)
      I wanted to pick Taboo or Paradoxal more, they are much more interesting.
      b/c of Murale's GWP, I thought to splurge a little more ;)
      Usually I have a budget for polishes but I think it's worth every penny in this case.
      Colour turned darker as I wore it, very nice application.. haha I'm a fan ;) can you tell?

      - Mir

  2. The most beautiful is just painted the color and put top coat without any glitter. With this color on your hand, you will look high- class and rich LOL.

    1. eheheh those are good traits that the polish will give off..

      I do like it plain much more, but this colour pairing is nice too, I can't have my whole 10 fingers to have 1 colour, haha I just get bored
      - Mir

  3. Love the Chanel on you. I don't want to open the Pandora's Box that HE polish is so I stay waaaay far from the counters. But Dior is tempting me (and, at $20/bottle here) it's not a cheap temptation. But your review gives me hope that, whenever I jump into that bandwagon, every buck will be well spent.

    I love the flakie you used. Flakies are my favorite finish ever, they were my first obsession as a nail polish newbie (theyr color shifting ways were just so mesmerizing to me lol).

    1. Thank you ^_^.
      Dior is lovely too,, have you tried their new mini duos..? Although mini, it's a bit more bang for your buck to get more than 1 colour each @ $20 each.

      I can't always get high-end brands but sometimes I just have to splurge a bit, I limit myself to special colours or finishes to make it even more special.

      I used to love Flakies the best, but now it's holos hehe.. I got this one from a swap from Brazil!!
      I love multi-coloured flakies :)

      - Mir

  4. I LOVE the flakie! I need to get my hands on some of that...

    1. Thank you Tara, it's from Brazil ^_^!! Hope you find a swap partner- Mir

  5. ouu it's such an elegant colour! I was gonna go for the $125 GWP but I didn't wanna spend that much, so I just went for the Holt Renfrew Beauty Bag for $35:P

    1. hahah It was such a splurge :)..
      I was hoping for taboo but I am glad to have grabbed what I grabbed!
