
Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Wantable - free box

Hey Everyone!!

Someone posted something on a group I follow that I just want to share! :)

and sign up to receive a *free box once starts shipping to Canada :D

I have word that they have plans to start shipping to Canada in April!

I have read a few reviews and by word of mouth, they sound completely customizable AND amazing.

From what I have learned within my few minutes of 'researching' is:

-They have awesome customer service. (big plus!)
-They offer two variety of boxes 1 for makeup, 1 for jewelry. You can pick either one, or probably even purchase both!
-They will offer a survey for you to fill out to customize your box. 
-From what I read you can either opt out of receiving nail polish, customize colour choices.
One of the blogs I read said she'd prefer not getting nude lipsticks and instead got a lovely red shade!
-Each box offers a variety of products! (big plus as well) Items include: 
jewelry: Rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces.
makeup: nail polish, lip gloss, lip stick, eyeshadows, liners, brushes etc!! :)

*terms have said you purchase a box and within 2 days you will be reimbursed the amount less canadian shipping.

So I have yet to figure out the total cost w/ CDN shipping..

but this sounds promising..!

Are you already a subscriber, if so what are your thoughts?
If Canadian, will you be signing up for this offer? ;)


If it wasn't clear, Wantable is a subscription box like Topbox, Loose Button, Glymm, Julep etc and the list goes on..~!
There are two types of boxes available to choose from. One focuses on jewelry and one focuses on makeup.
There is an extensive profile survey you fill out in the beginning so they can fully customize your box. Unlike other subscriptions which also has a survey, from reviews this one actually seems to follow it!
One blogger states, she hated nude lipstick and she only received shades like red & pink (big plus!)
I, personally dislike pink/red lipstick, so I am glad if I fill that out I won't be getting any!

Also, aside from signing up for email alerts, there hasn't been anymore information yet but my friends who has been following this longer than I have, assured it will be coming soon..

I know Wantable is already quite pricey, but this definitely seems like a box to try!


  1. just an FYI - they offer two types of boxes one is a jewelry box and the other is a beauty/makeup box.. you do not get both jewelry and makeup in one box.. you choose between which sub you want. just wanted to make that clear since from reading above it it sounds like both are included

  2. Thanks Jen, I wrote that there are 2 boxes available one jewelry and one makeup but I will make it more clear :) Also thanks for initially sharing this information, I have shared it with the other groups I am in (with acknowledgement to you of course!!) and it's creating such a buzz! ^_^ - Mir

  3. OH EM GEE.
    I CAN JUST HUG YOU RIGHT NOW MIR!!!! i just put myself on the list!
    i've been wanting a Wantable box forever!!!! i am so excited for the customization!!


    1. Yay!! I cannot wait til it opens up and we can try it out :) - Mir

  4. The beauty profile survey is so in depth! So if you pick a customizable box you are definitely going to get what you want colour wise!

    1. truly exciting news Chelsey!!
      I usually cringe when I get pink nail polish and stuff for a wrong hair type! Just seems like such a waste!

      - Mir
