
Sunday, 16 March 2014

L'Oréal Warehouse Private Spring Sale 2014

Hi :D

I love warehouse sales, I try to go to a few of them in a year and just take a look at all the sales. I've been trying though to be good and not buy things if I don't immediately need them but still...!
Btw, I didn't really bother taking pictures, I should have! But I was so tired so sorry for the wordy post :P

Anyway onto the information:
ps. Most information for warehouse sales are similar so you can kind of eye it.

For this sale the dates are:

March 13th - 16th
March 19th - 23rd
March 26th - 30th

Hours of Operation:

Wed - Fri: 11:30 am to 8 pm
Sat: 9 am to 5 pm
Sun: 10 am to 5 pm

No plastic bags available. No strollers.

342 Wildcat Road
Toronto, ON
M3J 2P5

A ticket is good for 2 visits and 2 persons per visit.
Each ticket is good for up to 600$ and they have maximum quantities (shown on ticket).
Since it's for personal use I don't really think people would be hitting the limits but a lot of people do buy many gift sets for later on etc..

 Click the picture for more details, I left these images huge for you ;)

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Kinetics Hello, Ice Cream Spring/Summer 2014 Collection Part 2

Hello again friends! For those of you living in southern Ontario, I hope these spring and summer colours will distract you from the cruel joke mother nature has decided to play on us. Yesterday we had wonderfully mild temperatures and I could've done without my jacket but, I don't even know what to say except I'm glad I haven't put away my winter clothing yet.

Today I have the rest of the swatches from the Kinetics Nail Systems Hello, Ice Cream! Spring/Summer 2014 collection. In case you missed part 1 of this awesomely colourful collection, that post can be read here.

Here is what the company has to say about this collection:

"Hello, Ice Cream! collection consists of six beautiful and fresh colors. Inspired by the latest fashion trend of Pastel Neons, as featured on many designer runway shows - the wearable hues are a fun and practical way to embrace energy and playfulness.

Each of the unique six shades are drenched in color and charged with matte effect, uniquely created for tasteful degustations for all fashionistas."

Today I will be reviewing the three polishes on the left in the picture above, Pistachio Sorbet, Lemon Zest and Salty Caramel. I love all their media banners for this collection, the graphics and designs are so cute.

Click to see and read more!

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Kinetics Hello, Ice Cream Spring/Summer 2014 Collection Part 1

Hello again friends! Today I have some swatches from Kinetics Nail Systems Hello, Ice Cream! Spring/Summer 2014 collection. Just the words ice cream, spring, summer puts my mind at ease knowing this brutal winter will eventually come to an end...hopefully sooner than later. Here is what the company has to say about this awesome collection:

"Hello, Ice Cream! collection consists of six beautiful and fresh colors. Inspired by the latest fashion trend of Pastel Neons, as featured on many designer runway shows - the wearable hues are a fun and practical way to embrace energy and playfulness.

Each of the unique six shades are drenched in color and charged with matte effect, uniquely created for tasteful degustations for all fashionistas."

Today I will be reviewing the three polishes on the right in the picture above, Raspberry Cream, Very Berry and Blueberry Biscuit. I love all their media banners for this collection, the graphics and designs are so cute.

Click to see and read more!

Monday, 3 March 2014

Sally Beauty Half Birthday Coupon March 2014

Hi friends! So is anyone else absolutely sick of winter? This winter has been a very harsh one and seems to be dragging on as long as possible. No matter how much cream I put on my hands they still feel like sandpaper. The constant hand washing I do at work doesn't help either. I really hope this summer will be an early and long one because we certainly deserve it!

This weekend I received an email from Sally Beauty Supply, they sent me a half birthday coupon code. These are usually sent on during your birth month but for some reason Sally Beauty decided half birthdays are worth celebrating too and I love a deal so I'm not complaining :P The coupon takes $10 off your purchase of $20 or more. This is a great deal as there is a B1G1 free special this month on ALL china glaze polish and gel polish.

Here is what I managed to scoop up (sorry for the grainy pics I took them on my ipod):

I picked up 2 fast forward topcoats, Sand Dolla Make You Holla and Teal The Tide Turns from the Sea Goddess collection, At Vase Value and What A Pansy from the City Flourish collection, a pair of tweezers and a fold out key chain nail clipper

Super handy in nail emergencies!

Sharing is caring, I've posted the coupon under the cut.