
Wednesday, 28 March 2012


This is a personal web-blog. We are not professionals nor have received any formal training in these particular fields. We are just two Canadian friends who love nail polish and cosmetics among many other things!! The content of this blog is only based on the opinions of the bloggers of A.M. polishes. We all have our preferences regarding colour choices, scents, finishes, etc and we do not intend to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual(s).
Warning: sometimes improper language is used (in the nicest way possible) but if you are sensitive to this, you have been forewarned :)

A.M. polishes associates and blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorships, as well as free products, services, events/tickets, travel and other forms of compensation from companies and organizations. Compensation will never influence our opinions and contents of our blog. Way of procurement will be disclosed within the posts.  Any information published should be verified with the company in question. Prices disclosed will be the one provided by the company and/or prices we have seen locally [Toronto, Canada] and/or places we have traveled to purchase the items.

In addition, our thoughts and opinions may change from time to time, the posts made are relevant to that specific moment in time, other thoughts and opinions expressed in another time and point may or may not be the same/similiar to the thoughts and opinions we hold today. so please, take our opinions and thoughts lightly.

Pictures and posts are property of A.M. polishes, if you would like to use one of our images/blog posts for your own personal use, please contact A.M. polishes. We would be more than happy to oblige. Occasionally we would post up company pictures, information and releases, credit will be given within the posts.

Feel free to comment on any of our posts whether a comment, question or a random hello but please keep it polite because we reserve the right to delete any comments for any reason we feel justified to remove. ie. any statements which are abusive profane, rude, anonymous with ill-intent etc.

Lastly, we are all human and we make mistakes. If you find one that irks [omg! you are totally wrong], feel free to message us and we will change it ASAP. We have no intent to provide false knowledge or lead anyone astray.

With all that said, we hope you enjoy our blog and share in our obsessions.

The postings on A.M. Polishes instagram, twitter, Facebook, and all other social media platforms represent my own opinions and views and do not reflect or represent the view, opinions or strategies of my employer Shoppers Drug Mart